The PDS Wires

Wires are chosen in specific forces for specific physiologic tooth movements. There are five types of wires chosen:

  1. Two (2) .014 Superelastic (S.E.) used in tandem for the vast majority (90+%) of malocclusions.
  2. An .018 Heat Activated Niti (HANT) used with a 20/20 maxillary first molar tube to bring in impacted canines whether labial or palatal.
  3. An .020 x .020 HANT is used after alignment with round wires in Class III or edge-to-edge anterior occlusions when labial crown torque is desired on the upper incisors.
  4. A 17 x 25 Beta Titanium is used for Bioprogressive “utility” wires when intrusion of upper or lower incisors is desired. A 17 x 25 Beta Titanium with “P” loops (preformed in various sizes by Forestadent) is used in extraction cases. This size allows for easy space closure …But…must have significant compensating curve (upper) or reverse curve (lower) to avoid loss of torque and to avoid a deep bite.
  5. A 19 x 25 Beta Titanium finishing wire is used:
    • In the upper arch with a “P” loop 90% of the time to close spaces but most importantly to easily place lingual root torque, overbite and “smile line” with simple intraoral adjustments.
    • A 19 x 25 Beta Titanium “I” Ideal arch is used 10% of the time in the upper arch and all the time in the lower arch.

The PDS Wire Objectives

  • The PhysioDynamic System relies on light physiologic forces throughout all stages of treatment
  • These wires allow us to complete treatment with less trauma, in less time and with fewer problems


Fill the slot – vertically & horizontally with Twin .014 S.E. PDS wires

  1. Upper first molar rotation for Class I and II
  2. Curve Of Spee (C.O.S.) correction with the aid of turbos
  3. Rotation correction
  4. Vertical alignment of all teeth including marginal ridges
  5. Establish archform
  6. Elastics used (when necessary) at first post-bonding appointment (10-12 weeks)
  7. Parallelism of roots
Fill the slot – vertically & horizontally with Twin .014 S.E. PDS wires


  1. Correct bracket placement.
  2. Use the same Twin .014 wires for 6-8 weeks to obtain incisal edge, occlusal cusp and marginal ridge perfection.
  3. Observe initial phases of boney apical fill. (See illustrations Auxiliaries/turbos)
  4. May do pano or periapical of posterior teeth roots.
  5. If no brackets need to be changed, wires (.014’s) kept in to achieve better alignment of molars.


  1. Placement of upper 19×25 PDS Beta Ti with “P” loops (90% of time) or non-looped wire. Placement of lower 19×25 PDS Beta Ti Ideal archwire
  2. Elastics as needed to obtain functional occlusion.
  3. Remove turbos at 10 months to allow tooth contact without C.O.S. relapse.
  4. Close spaces (interproximal) with “P” loop in upper and elastic chain in lower.
  5. Intraoral adjustments of “P” loops to add incisor torque, get proper overbite/overjet and complete final “smile line” and “F” and “S” sounds.
  6. These wires may be sectioned where appropriate to obtain final interdigitation with the use of elastics.

PhysioDynamic Wire Sequence

Class II, Div 2, 100% overbite
Upper and lower Twin .014 PDS Superelastic (S.E.) wires placed in each arch. Buildups placed on the lingual cusps of upper second molars to allow lower arch to be bonded and to extrude lower posterior teeth. Elastics were placed at first appointment after initial bonding.
At third post initial bonding appointment (about 7 ½ months) 19×25 PDS Beta Ti “P” loop in upper with compensating curve and 19×25 Ideal arch placed in lower. Continue Short Class II elastics on each side.

Treatment finish approximately 5 months later